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What is Vastu Shastra ?

Vastu Shastra is an ancient Indian science that deals in synchronizing eight directions, five fundamental elements along with gravitational & electromagnetic forces of the earth, and the effect of cosmic waves emanating from planets as well as the universal waves on human life. Vastu Shastra originated from Sthapatya Veda.

When we properly align our environment with Vastu, balance occurs. Once this balance is created, stress is reduced and the frustrations and limitations in life diminish

Vastu Shastra: A Result–Oriented Science

Vastu Shastra has grown out of life. It has its techniques of identification with Nature. Life and Destiny are a part of the universal fabric of Nature. In Marathi, this is described as “Pindi Te Brahmandi”. In English, as “From Soul to Universe”.

The human body is created from the five basic elements in the Universe. Our body is the abode of the soul. Our building or Vastu is the dwelling place of the body. This building dwells in nature. It is an integral part of nature.

Nature is occupied by the five basic elements of the Universe. Our body is made up of the five basic elements of the Universe. It means that the dwelling place (Vastu) comes between the human body and nature. The exchange of energy between the human body and nature is an integral part of the natural phenomena.

Vastu Shastra

We at “Vasturaviraj” have found that even in the concrete jungle of Mumbai, if the rules of Vastu are implemented, people can get positive results and get relief from problems. In the buildings that have already been constructed, the common man is helpless in making structural changes.

Even then, if he makes some changes in the arrangement of rooms, he can reduce ill effects at least to the extent of 30% to 40% and gain about 25% to 30% positive effects. Vastu is a great boon to any grief-stricken and financially overburdened family.

In the construction of a house, flat, or building, the well-being of the occupant from every angle is of prime importance in Vastu Shastra. Orientation of any premises considering the cardinal principles of every direction is an essential part of planning the constructions.

An occupant should be able to lead a happy and peaceful life, once he occupies and starts residing in a flat or bungalow, and this is possible only if the principles of vastushastra are followed by the occupant.

We have adopted the self-content housing system. Since this adoption, bathrooms and toilets have become an integral part of the house. The sink related to the element water, and the gas stove related to the element fire, have come closer on the kitchen platform and each of them is trying to outsmart the other. The threshold at the entrance has vanished. All the walls are of the same dimensions, which means that the walls in North-East and South-West are also of the same thickness and height.

There are many massive – defects like another entrance door opposite to our entrance, the existence of the lift, the staircase, the hospital, and the Temple opposite to the entrance door are part and parcel of a living system. We are bearing with at least 15-20 % Vastu – defects as an integral part of our housing system without which we cannot live a normal life.

In many cases the basic rules of Vastu are not followed properly because of rules framed by the government; fascination for the elegant look of the building due to elevations, and ignorance of Vastu science have created various types of imbalances with nature and still continue to do so. As a result of this, adverse effects such as high tension in the house in spite of the small family size. The percentage of serious diseases such as cancer, cardiac problems, high blood pressure, Aids, etc. has increased twofold in the last sixty years. All these problems are mainly due to Vastu – defects which we have created in our housing system.

In short, the exchange of energy between the body, the building, and nature is extremely necessary. It is, therefore, imperative that we achieve the balance between the five elements in the Universe and the eight directions. It is only after this balance is achieved that we will experience the power of Mother Nature. It is for this reason that the philosophy, ‘from soul to the Universe’ is significant from the point of view of the Vastu.