In the realm of Vastushastra, the ancient Indian science of architecture and design, every direction holds a unique significance. Each direction is believed to be governed by a specific deity and is associated with certain energies that can greatly influence our lives. Among these, the southwest direction often gets a bad reputation, being considered as…
It is favorable for all types of business especially textiles, stationary, food items, sweets, medical and lunch home.SOUTH EAST DIRECTION
All types of Oil based products, explosive, electrical items, beauty parlour, petrol pumps, Air conditioning and electronic Goods, computers, power inverters, industrial units and hotels (Fast food centers.)SOUTH WEST DIRECTION
All type…
Vastu is a metaphysical edifice science of ancient Indian origin, which is most comprehensive in knowledge and highly effective of its own kind. The combination of science and spirituality makes it perfect and complete.Vastushastra is basically a science that deals with the synchronization of the five elements Earth, Space, Fire, Water, and Air with eight…